Thursday 12 January 2006

I've Found it...

Since the beginning of this new and fabulous year I knew I was looking for something to get my teeth into. Inspired yet undisciplined, motivated yet still floundering. A new routine, a new challenge was needed. Last week I was poking round the web, I knew something would pop out at me. Loobylu's award winning blog appeared, something flashed into my head...AW...Mmmm....The Artist's Way... I moved on.
Yesterday searching again, still looking for something, filled with expectation, intuitively knowing there was something out there for me ... there it was again AW. Synchronicity.
I searched and I found exactly what I had been searching for at

Today I bought my copy of The Artist's Way. I was actually ecstatic to have and hold the book. Call me strange??? yep, you're right.
I'm excited, there's a plan, a challenge, an opportunity to get my creativity working again.

Now to master this dreaded I have the answer as to what I am mainly blogging

Stay with me this is going to be fantastic ........


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